Deals Black Friday On 16-Megapixel PIXPRO Friendly Zoom Digital Camera - Silver Review
16-Megapixel PIXPRO Friendly Zoom Digital Camera - Silver is truly good quality for just what it can do. Keep you time and money through purchase at reliable online sites.
Price : $119.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : David Shaw Silverware NA LTD
Merchant : Sears
Product ID : d02fcde0c304d10f25c485f7b0f6bcb6
Rating :
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16-Megapixel PIXPRO Friendly Zoom Digital Camera - Silver Description
16-Megapixel KODAK PIXPRO Friendly Zoom Digital Camera Captures Life's Special MomentsIf you're looking for a powerful, compact camera, then look no further. The 16-Megapixel KODAK PIXPRO FZ151 Digital Camera has 15X zoom, over 25 shooting modes and a wide angle lens that captures more out of every shot. What are you waiting for? KODAK PIXPRO Digital Cameras - Tell your story.
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