Black Friday 2014 20X-30X-40X-60X Forward Stereo Microscope with Digital Camera Review
Can be a safe compared item functionality and price. The 20X-30X-40X-60X Forward Stereo Microscope with Digital Camera is a reasonable substitute for buy. Hot Offer 20X-30X-40X-60X Forward Stereo Microscope with Digital Camera
Price : $215.58 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : amscope
Merchant :
Product ID : 3da9f5e4cc3692230c7a6f204729fc84
Rating :
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20X-30X-40X-60X Forward Stereo Microscope with Digital Camera Description
20X-30X-40X-60X Forward Stereo Microscope with Digital Camera Type: Microscopes
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