Black Friday Sales 3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom Instantly

3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom offered for sale now, take a moment to have a look at present prices comparison as well as shipping readily available for help you to get the best bargain.


Hot Deal 3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom
Price : $111.74 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 6c7f294e037d00a1ab638380ca1187a9
Rating :

With one another superb item is feature 3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom verified via a great deal of comments directly from actual customers verified that 3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom is great and functional product and worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any sort of inquiries about the attributes of the item or wish to examine the up to date price of this product. Simply select the hyperlink here, you shall find a affordable deals that undeniable.


3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom Description

Methode de connexion:Sans fil; Kit de configuration:One to One interphone video; Caracteristiques supplementaires:Photographie; Camera Type de capteur:CMOS; Taille du Capteur (pouces) :1/4; Dimension de l'unite exterieure (mm) :16.5116.5; Poids de l'unite exterieure (g) :317; Dimension de l'ecran d'affichage (pouce) :3.5; Tension de fonctionnement (V) :3.7; Dimension de l'unite interieure (mm) :148.52; Poids de l'unite interieure (g) :154; Contenu du colis:paquet de vis,manuel de l'utilisateur,Alimentation,1 Unite interieure,1 Unite exterieure

If you may need tips and advice about the pros and cons about 3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom. The easiest approach is you can see it through the customer reviews of this product. The actual encounters of people who using the products that just how they give rating for this item and just what they like and not like concerning this product. One of the most important is this product can be worked exactly in the act of you wish or not. This is just one of the vital details you should know.

This Item Available from 1 Store

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Buying Option
3.5 "couleur TFT Video sonnette interphone Door Phone Systeme etanche sans fil TFT Intercom
Merchant : LightInTheBox
price as of : 2014-11-07