Black Friday Deals 3.5X-90X Zoom Stereo Microscope w 4-Zone 144-LED Light + 8MP Digital USB Camera Don't Miss
With the 3.5X-90X Zoom Stereo Microscope w 4-Zone 144-LED Light + 8MP Digital USB Camera you just look at positive effects that will get together with you need to get, strongly recommended it is actually a good product for value.
Price : $649.98 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : amscope
Merchant :
Product ID : d8c2eb81463a870b5a057f807ed11c6b
Rating :
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![3.5X-90X Zoom Stereo Microscope w 4-Zone 144-LED Light + 8MP Digital USB Camera](
3.5X-90X Zoom Stereo Microscope w 4-Zone 144-LED Light + 8MP Digital USB Camera Description
3.5X-90X Zoom Stereo Microscope w 4-Zone 144-LED Light + 8MP Digital USB Camera Type: Microscopes
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