Black Friday 2014 Deals 3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount Don't Miss

3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount is really good on what it really does. Save you money and time with purchase at trustworthy online stores.

3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount

Hot Offer 3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount
Price : $6.69 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 2167635dd4ac4e70a83563130832f73f
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3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount

3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount Description

3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount Color: Black Size/Dimensions: Universal

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This Item Available from 1 Store

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3 Pcs Pro 1/4 Inch DSLR Camera Flash Hot Shoe Adapter Hotshoe Tripod Screw Mount
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price as of : 2014-11-07