Deals Black Friday On 3MP USB3.0 Microscope Digital Camera + Calibration Kit Right Now
3MP USB3.0 Microscope Digital Camera + Calibration Kit is truly a beneficial gadgets for a awesome offer, worth the cost. Totally joyful. Hot Offer 3MP USB3.0 Microscope Digital Camera + Calibration Kit
Price : $449.98 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : amscope
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Product ID : 5eab3d11276daa61da406189616da37d
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3MP USB3.0 Microscope Digital Camera + Calibration Kit Description
3MP USB3.0 Microscope Digital Camera + Calibration Kit Type: Microscopes Features: microscope camera,microscope digital camera,digital camera,microscope accessory parts,
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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3MP USB3.0 Microscope Digital Camera + Calibration Kit
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$449.98 |