2014 Black Friday Cheap Price 40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera Right Now

40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera on sale presently, take a moment to see present selling prices comparison as well as delivery available for assist you in getting the best bargain.

40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera

Hot Offer 40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera
Price : $219.98 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : amscope
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 900f5ff70098f740d3fec692cb0405bb
Rating :

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40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera

40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera Description

40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera Type: Microscopes

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This Item Available from 2 Store

Image Item Price
Buying Option
40X-1000X Monocular Compound Microscope + 1.3MP Digital Camera
Merchant : Newegg.com
AmScope M500-MT 40 x 1000 x Monocular Compound Microscope Plus 1.3Mp Digital Camera
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
price as of : 2014-11-07