Black Friday 2014 40X-1600X EPI Fluorescence Trinocular Microscope + 9MP Digital Camera Instantly
General the 40X-1600X EPI Fluorescence Trinocular Microscope + 9MP Digital Camera is very effectively manufactured, goes to work magnificently, I probably feel the decide to purchase is really worth the money.
Price : $2645.02 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : amscope
Merchant :
Product ID : 871a6d790846db7c72dfeaf0a1f5a4f7
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40X-1600X EPI Fluorescence Trinocular Microscope + 9MP Digital Camera Description
40X-1600X EPI Fluorescence Trinocular Microscope + 9MP Digital Camera Type: Microscopes
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