2014 Black Friday Cheap Price 550TV Lines 1/4? Sony Super HAD CCD 3.594.5mm Lens 444x Zoom (37 Optical, 12x Digital) 64steps proportional to zoom WDR Day Hight Resolution Speed Dome
550TV Lines 1/4? Sony Super HAD CCD 3.594.5mm Lens 444x Zoom (37 Optical, 12x Digital) 64steps proportional to zoom WDR Day Hight Resolution Speed Dome is really an extremely good stuff at the great deal, worth every dollar. Truly joyful.
Price : $1099.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Bluecctv
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : b8f7ff199eeca734ea58b4f5a0c4fa05
Rating :
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550TV Lines 1/4? Sony Super HAD CCD 3.594.5mm Lens 444x Zoom (37 Optical, 12x Digital) 64steps proportional to zoom WDR Day Hight Resolution Speed Dome Description
550TV Lines 1/4? Sony Super HAD CCD 3.594.5mm Lens 444x Zoom (37 Optical, 12x Digital) 64steps proportional to zoom WDR Day Hight Resolution Speed Dome Camera
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