Black Friday 2014 Deals All Pro Solutions Olympus 2T BD Standalone Networked Automated BD Publisher - Built-In PC - 2 Drives - P55C Photorealistic Thermal Printer - 220 Capacity
When you have to in comparison product benefits and cost. The All Pro Solutions Olympus 2T BD Standalone Networked Automated BD Publisher - Built-In PC - 2 Drives - P55C Photorealistic Thermal Printer - 220 Capacity is an excellent option to spend money on. Hot Deal All Pro Solutions Olympus 2T BD Standalone Networked Automated BD Publisher - Built-In PC - 2 Drives - P55C Photorealistic Thermal Printer - 220 Capacity
Price : $19127.75 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : All Pro Solutions, Inc.
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Product ID : c91ac8cecfc684f860b7857fad15d7e2
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All Pro Solutions Olympus 2T BD Standalone Networked Automated BD Publisher - Built-In PC - 2 Drives - P55C Photorealistic Thermal Printer - 220 Capacity Description
Olympus 2-drive CD DVD Blu-Ray Publisher Key Features: Production of small/large batches of multiple CD/DVD/BDs or of unique discs. Automated production of media including label printing. Media production by using standard file system operations. Full asynchronous production - produce 2 unique jobs simultaneously. A job contains 1 unique data master for duplication and 1 unique label file for printing. Integration into existing workflows and applications via batch interface. Olympus Publishers software SDK (Software Developer Kit) can be integrated into any environment for customized recording and printing. SDK enables you to collect individual data from any source and record and print it to individual DVD-Rs CD-Rs and now Blu-Ray Discs. Parallel operation of multiple Olympus Publishers connected on the same network includes Load-Balancing. Network-wide control of the production process by Windows and Web-clients. Support of DDP files. Archive and backup your data. On-Demand publishing with customized label printing. Mastering of data CD/DVD/BDs and audio CDs. Olympus 2-drive CD DVD Blu-Ray Publisher Specifications: Dimensions (WxHxD) : 16.5 x 14 x 24.5. Weight: 50 lbs. (Autoloader in Box) . Power Consumption: 115230 VAC 5060 Hz. ISO 9669. CD-DA (Audio) . CD-ROM Mode 1 & Mode 2. Mixed Mode. CD-DA Extra. CD-ROM XA Form 1 & Form 2. HFS/UFS. Video CD. Hybrid. DVD-R. Business Cards. BD-R. Blu-Ray Disc Drives: Pioneer BD 203-BK (8x) BD-R - (16x) DVD-R - (32x) CD-R. Whats Inside the Olympus 2-drive CD DVD Blu-Ray Publisher: 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium Processor. 1 GB RAM Memory. Hard Drive- 250 GB SATA for OS 250 GB SATA for Storage. Micorsoft Windows Vist0 or Windows 7.
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