Black Friday 2014 Deals Ambir ImageScan Pro 820i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical Review
Ambir ImageScan Pro 820i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical available now, take a moment to view the latest prices comparison along with shipping accessible to get you the best bargain. Hot Offer Ambir ImageScan Pro 820i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical
Price : $362.98 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Ambir Technology, Inc
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : e3da3b704fce3b8fb17f6abd4a2f4ffa
Rating :
The product features are superb and packed with top-notch of Ambir ImageScan Pro 820i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical is the key idea that allows it among the item you will grow had. Along with, it is also friendly-budget to your wallets also. You can view the full item summary and look at exclusive advertisings that have been improved from the site via click the web link below. You might possibly discover the amazing offer and you could not refuse it, want you get the great price.
Ambir ImageScan Pro 820i Sheetfed Scanner - 600 dpi Optical Description
This high-speed duplex document and ID scanner with its automatic document feeder stands up to scanning challenges. Offering outstanding quality in image and paper-handling, the Ambir ImageScan Pro 820i scanner delivers reliability and flexibility for medical practices, hospitals, law offices, CPA firms and other demanding environments. FEATURES: 24-bit Color 8-bit Grayscale USB bit Grayscale USB
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