Black Friday Deals AmScope CCD-MT Ccd Microscope Vga Video Camera For Digital Tv Lcd Or Pc Monitor Don't Miss
AmScope CCD-MT Ccd Microscope Vga Video Camera For Digital Tv Lcd Or Pc Monitor is actually an incredibly good stuff at a beneficial deal, worth every penny. Extremely happy. Hot Offer AmScope CCD-MT Ccd Microscope Vga Video Camera For Digital Tv Lcd Or Pc Monitor
Price : $803.72 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
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Product ID : 1a4b59a8a01e17cc0504dc66497f72e5
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The item attributes are excellent and fulled of quality of AmScope CCD-MT Ccd Microscope Vga Video Camera For Digital Tv Lcd Or Pc Monitor is the main reason that makes it one of the product you may pick up bought. And also, it is likewise friendly budget to your pockets too. You can see the full item specification and examine out exclusive deals that have already been upgraded coming from the shop using click the web link below. You may possibly select the stimulating offer and you can not refute it, want you get the awesome offer.
AmScope CCD-MT Ccd Microscope Vga Video Camera For Digital Tv Lcd Or Pc Monitor Description
This CCD video camera captures microscope images and streams live video on digital TV screens or computer monitors. It has Sony color CCD sensor inside offering high quality sharp clear videos with excellent color resolution. It has four selectable output resolution settings 1024x768 1280x1024 1440x900 and 1600 x 1200 which enable the output to be optimized to match the resolution of the display monitor. It comes with a robust metal housing C/CS Mount and a female tripod screw. This Camera provides an affordable good solution for schools colleges and industries for QC and inspection applications.FeaturesResolution - 1680 x 1050 or 1280x720 pixels wide screen video; alternate resolution settings including 1280 x 1024 and 1024 x 768.Sensor - 1/3 2.0 megapixel colorFrame rate - 50/60hz.Lens interface - c/cs mount.Functions - auto-exposure/manual auto white balance cross-line cursor low lux negative image and freeze frame.Operation temperature - 14 f - 140 f.Power - 5w/6v dc power adapter included.Output cable - included.Dimension - 6 x 5.5 x 3 in.Weight - 0.5 lb.
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