Black Friday Deals AmScope M200-MS-M 40X-400X Student Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera Review
AmScope M200-MS-M 40X-400X Student Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera available to buy instantly, only just see recent prices comparison plus shipping and delivery accessible to assist you in getting the best offer.
Price : $328.01 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant :
Product ID : 9c021dcc1a132c62b7f8269361cd68a5
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The product attributes are superb and loadeded with premium quality of AmScope M200-MS-M 40X-400X Student Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera is the great purpose that makes it among the product you will acquire had. Along with, it is additionally friendly-budget to your pockets also. You could see the complete item information and look at exclusive promotions that have been up-dated from the site using click the hyperlink here. You may find the exciting deal and you can not refuse it, want you get the excellent offer.

AmScope M200-MS-M 40X-400X Student Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera Description
This is a brand new compound microscope with mechanical stage and 1.3MP USB digital camera that captures microscope images and displays live video on your computer screen. The digital camera captures still microscopy images streams live videos on your computers screen. The digital camera captures still microscopy images streams live videos on your computers and is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux. The 0.37X reduction lens included gives your computer screens the same field of view as your microscope's eyepiece.FeaturesAn affordable great compound microscope with 1.3M digital image system!360 degree rotatable monocular head45 degree inclined eye tubeLarge plain stage with clips and stain resistant finishMechanical Stage for Slides Gliding ControlSeparate coarse & fine focusing.Fully coated optical system with high resolutionCrystal clear sharp imagesHigh quality student microscope.Perfect for up to high school students.Three levels of magnification: 40X-100X-400XUpward stage stopper for protecting slides and objectivesBuilt-in illumination systemSingle lens condenser and disc diaphragmDual focusing control knobsThree DIN Achromatic objectivesWF10X eyepieces includedFull optical glass elementsAll metal mechanical componentsPrecise ground glass lensSolid metal frame construction with stain resistant enamel finishSpecificationsNosepiece: Triple.Head: 45 degree inclined monocularWide-field Eyepiece: WF10XAchromatic Objectives: 4X 10X 40X (spring) Focusing Control: rack & pinionIllumination: tungsten bulb 115V/20WAccessories: Dust cover.Camera Specific
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