2014 Black Friday Cheap Price AmScope MA500 5.0Mp Microscope Digital Camera Compatible Windows & Mac Os
AmScope MA500 5.0Mp Microscope Digital Camera Compatible Windows & Mac Os is actually good quality for the things it definitely does. Enable you to save money and time with buy at reliable online merchants. Hot Offer AmScope MA500 5.0Mp Microscope Digital Camera Compatible Windows & Mac Os
Price : $289.78 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : 75268f65664d17d833de35f7a6355ae7
Rating :
In case that you are likely considering to ordering product with an extremely good high quality as well as a reasonable price. We extremely suggested this AmScope MA500 5.0Mp Microscope Digital Camera Compatible Windows & Mac Os is among top quality and even more preferred item product that you are seeking. Also if you research it very carefully about product detail, functions and practical consumer overviews, certainly you must not decline to acquire it one. You could check out the latest price through the link under here.
AmScope MA500 5.0Mp Microscope Digital Camera Compatible Windows & Mac Os Description
SpecificationsImage Sensor - 1/2.5 Color CMOS.Pixel Size - 2.2 x 2.2 micron.Hardware Resolution - 2592x1944 pixels.Imaging Resolution - 5.0 MP.File Format - BMP TIFF JPG and others.Sensitivity - 0.53V/lux-sec @ 550nm.Speed - Low/high adjustable.White Balance - Auto/Manual.Exposure Time - 1ms to 0.3s.Exposure Control - Auto/Manual.Scan Mode - Progressive.Shutter - Electronic Rolling Shutter.S/N Ratio - 40.5 dB.Dynamic Range - 60 dB.Filter - RGB Bayer Pattern.Parameter - Gain Gamma.Mount - 23mm Photo Port C CS-Mount.Camera Body - Cast Aluminum.Power Supply - Via USB 2.0 connector.System Required:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 and Mac OS 10.6 & up with USB 2.0 port.Dimension - 8 x 5.5 x 2.5 in.
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