2014 Black Friday Cheap Price AmScope SE306-AZ-P 20X-40X-80X Stereo Microscope Color Digital Camera Don't Miss
AmScope SE306-AZ-P 20X-40X-80X Stereo Microscope Color Digital Camera is truly an extremely good devices at the excellent price, worth every cent. Truly pleased.
Price : $419.14 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : 630033b843de7fad5cecf3b2897c83a4
Rating :
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AmScope SE306-AZ-P 20X-40X-80X Stereo Microscope Color Digital Camera Description
This backward binocular stereo microscope comes with 640x480 pixel color digital camera offering three 20X-40X-80X magnification settings. Its versatile illumination system provides both incident (top) lighting and transmitted (bottom) lighting. You can choose between incident illumination shining down onto the object or transmitted illumination through the frosted stage plate. The first is used for the observation of three-dimensional objects and the second for the observation of slides. This microscope offers high resolution sharp clear stereo images and good depth within a broad field of view. The digital camera captures still microscopy images streams live videos on your computers and is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux. The 0.37X reduction lens included gives your computer screens the same field of view as your microscope's eyepiece. The user-friendly software for Windows offers advanced features including Stitching EDF (Extended Depth of Focus) video recording and measurement functions. Live video and still image capture can be set in different resolutions simultaneously. You can edit and process images in a manner similar to Photo Shop. You can edit microscopy images in a manner similar to Photo Shop. This microscope is useful for many applications. It can be used in geology forestry archaeology agriculture biology and is appropriate for educational purposes in hospitals and schools. It is great for the exploration of the world of surface details and fine structures of various materials like wood metal solder semiconductor and stone. It is perfect for the examination of insects plants rocks stamps jewel soldered points microelectronic components or virtually any three dimensional objects.FeaturesThree magnification power settings 20X-40X-80X.Flexible incident (
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