Black Friday Deals AmScope SM-1TS-144S-8M 7X-45X Dissecting Circuit 144-Led Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Digital Camera
Can be a safe compared item specifications and cost. This AmScope SM-1TS-144S-8M 7X-45X Dissecting Circuit 144-Led Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Digital Camera is a great choice to buy.
Price : $1020.56 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant :
Product ID : a6be59179c681ea6eac9a1bc067dfef6
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The product attributes are outstanding and fulled of high quality of AmScope SM-1TS-144S-8M 7X-45X Dissecting Circuit 144-Led Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Digital Camera is the main idea that allows it among the product you will certainly grow owned. As well as, it is usually friendly-budget to your pockets also. You could look the complete item explanation and have a look at amazing promos that have been improved through the store via click the web link below. You can find the interesting deal and you can not reject it, desire you get the awesome price.

AmScope SM-1TS-144S-8M 7X-45X Dissecting Circuit 144-Led Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Digital Camera Description
This is a trinocular stereo microscope with a 144-LED compact ring light and a 8MP USB digital camera. The microscope has a super widefield optical system that provides a very large zoom magnification power (6.5:1) which offers a large working distance (4 in. 100 mm.) . The trinocular port uses the third port for camera capabilities or a third party to view as well giving you the remaining two ports to view your specimen. The 144-LED ring light has a compact design with a built-in dimmer providing cool even and bright LED illumination.Features7X-45X Super widefield zoom magnification power with crystal clear images.1.25 in. (33 mm.) super widefield view and 4 in. (100 mm.) working distance.8MP digital camera captures still images streams live videos and is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux as well as user-friendly advanced software for Windows offers Stitching EDF video recording and measurement functions.144-LED ring light with a compact design and built-in dimmer.Sturdy all-metal pillar stand.Dimension - 16.5 L x 14 W x 13 H in.
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