Black Friday 2014 AmScope SM-1TSW2-L6W-8M 3.5X-225X Digital Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Usb Camera Instantly
AmScope SM-1TSW2-L6W-8M 3.5X-225X Digital Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Usb Camera is truly good for what it does. Enable you to save money and time through decide to buy at trustworthy online sites.
Price : $1330.39 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
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Product ID : 3ee9ca4085f8435a1321192f2fded3d5
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The product attributes are exceptional and loadeded with quality of AmScope SM-1TSW2-L6W-8M 3.5X-225X Digital Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Usb Camera is the great factor that gets it one of the product you would really get bought. As well as, it is additionally friendly budget to your wallets also. You can watch the full product specification and visit extra deals that have recently been updated from the site using click the hyperlink below. You might possibly buy the stimulating offer and you can not deny it, desire you have the exceptional offer.

AmScope SM-1TSW2-L6W-8M 3.5X-225X Digital Zoom Stereo Microscope 8Mp Usb Camera Description
This super widefield trinocular stereo microscope comes with a 6 Watt dual goose neck LED illuminator and a 8MP USB digital camera. It offers 3.5X-225X zoom magnification power a long working distance with a super large field of view and cool light illumination. The trinocular port uses the third port for the camera capabilities or a third party to view as well giving you the remaining two ports to view your specimen. The LED goose neck lights can be bent into various positions. The light source is a 85-265VAC/50-60Hz wide band voltage unit. The lamps are 3 Watts each (6 Watts in total) with fully adjustable intensity. The digital camera captures still microscopy images streams live videos on your computers.Features3.5X-225X zoom magnification power with crisp sharp images.Super widefield optical system on a sturdy all-metal pillar stand.2.5 in. (65 mm.) super widefield of view and 8 in. (200 mm.) working distance.Powerful 6 Watt dual goose neck LED lights with fully adjustable intensity.8MP digital camera captures still images streams live videos and is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux as well as user-friendly advanced software for Windows offers Stitching EDF video recording and measurement functions.Dimension - 21 L x 17 W x 14 H in.
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