Deals Black Friday On AmScope SM-1TY-PL-3M 7X-90X LED Lowith Heat Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera Review
If you have to in comparison item features and price. AmScope SM-1TY-PL-3M 7X-90X LED Lowith Heat Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera is the right decision to actually purchase. Hot Deal AmScope SM-1TY-PL-3M 7X-90X LED Lowith Heat Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera
Price : $1501.74 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant :
Product ID : 19761338edc1fa681c38e5176fcbd66d
Rating :
One of top-notch product is normally include AmScope SM-1TY-PL-3M 7X-90X LED Lowith Heat Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera accredited through a lot of feedbacks coming from actual customers confirmed that AmScope SM-1TY-PL-3M 7X-90X LED Lowith Heat Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera is great and usable product and really worth the money that they paid. If you have any problems concerning the features of the item or wish to inspect the present price of this product. Simply click the link here, you will locate a reasonable deals that indisputable.
AmScope SM-1TY-PL-3M 7X-90X LED Lowith Heat Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera Description
This is a top of the line 7 - 90X trinocular stereo zoom microscope equipped with SUPER widefield optics and a versatile dual LED illumination system and a 3MP digital camera. Low - temperature LED system allows you to use both incident illuminations which shine light down onto a 3 - dimensional object and reflecting - plate bottom illumination which shines light up through a transparent object. The optics of this microscope features a super large zoom magnification range (26:1) which produces sharp crystal - clear stereo images while providing a generous working distance of 8 inches. The 360 degree swiveling trinocular head is attached at a 45 degree angle which ensures easy and comfortable observation. The digital camera captures still microscopy images streams live videos on your computers and are compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux. The 0.5X reduction lens included gives your computer screens the same field of view as your microscope's eyepiece. The user-friendly software for Windows offers advanced features including Stitching EDF (Extended Depth of Focus) video recording and measurement functions. Live video and still image capture can be set in different resolutions simultaneously. You can edit and process images in a manner similar to Photoshop. This microscopy system is a perfect for industrial inspection applications. With its high resolution good depth and broad field of view it is also well - suited for gemologists manufacturing engineers and anyone in the semiconductor or electronic industry. It can also be used for biological laboratory applications that require low heat release.Features:A great 7X-90X zoom microscopy system with contemporary LED incident (top) cool lighting and reflecting - plate bottom illumination.Brightness - adjustable
Just before you purchase AmScope SM-1TY-PL-3M 7X-90X LED Lowith Heat Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 3 Megapixel Digital Camera, you should visit the functions of the item, building material functionality, benefits and drawbacks of the item so well. By checking out customer reviews of this product, you should read several customer reviews. The genuine individuals encounter of these items will aid you make a decision on appropriately, rationally without getting mistake and really worth for the price.