Black Friday Deals AmScope SM-2TZ-P Stereo Zoom Microscope With Dual Halogen Lights Plus Digital Camera Instantly
Finally the AmScope SM-2TZ-P Stereo Zoom Microscope With Dual Halogen Lights Plus Digital Camera is perfectly designed, is working magnificently, I really notice the purchase online most likely be worth the extra money.
Price : $858.23 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant :
Product ID : 01adde144c19059e5089325d4644baf9
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The product features are exceptional and filled with top-notch of AmScope SM-2TZ-P Stereo Zoom Microscope With Dual Halogen Lights Plus Digital Camera is the weighty factor that allows it one of the item you may get had. And also, it is usually friendly-budget to your wallets as well. You could view the full product description and look at awesome offers that have possibly been updated directly from the site through click the hyperlink here. You could discover the very cool offer and you could not deny it, desire you get the amazing price.

AmScope SM-2TZ-P Stereo Zoom Microscope With Dual Halogen Lights Plus Digital Camera Description
FeaturesA great stereo microscope turnkey package with 640x480 pixel USB2.0 color digital camera!.3.5X-90X extremely large zoom range continuous magnification.26:1 extremely large zoom range.45 degree inclined trinocular head with SUPER widefield eyepieces.High-eyepoint design for easy observation for all users including eyeglass wearers.23mm upright tube for photo or video accessories.30 mm. SUPER widefield high-eyepoint eyepieces included.High resolution with great flatness and contrast.Sharp stereo erect images over a SUPER widefield of view.Crystal clear original true color images.Both ocular-tubes with adjustable diopter.Metal pillar stand finished with stain resistant enamel.Accurate alignment ensuring a fatigue-free long time viewing.Full optical glass elements.Precise ground glass lens.All metal mechanical components.Adjustable interpupillary distance.Rubber eye-guards included.Built-in Epi-illuminating and transmitted lighting system with adjustable intensity.CE approval electric apparatus.Dimension - 19.5 x 14.5 x 10.5 in.SpecificationsHead - 45 degree inclined 360 degree swiveling trinocular.Eyepiece - 30 mm. super wide field high-eyepoint WF10X/20.Objective - 0.7X-4.5X.Barlow Lens - 0.5X & 2.0X.Zoom Range - 26:1.Diopter Adjustment - +/-5dp.Interpupillary Distance - 2-3/16 to 2-15/16 in.Working Distance - 8 in.Frosted Glass Plate - 4 in. diameter.White/Black Plastic Plate - 4 in. diameter.Incident Illumination - 12V/15W halogen bulb.Transmitted Illumination - 2V/15W halogen bulb.Power Supply - 110V/60Hz.Accessories - dust cover eye-guards and clips.Camera
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