2014 Black Friday Cheap Price AmScope SM-4TZ-144-MT 3.5X-90X Circuit Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 144 LED Light Plus 1.3Mp Digital Camera Review
AmScope SM-4TZ-144-MT 3.5X-90X Circuit Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 144 LED Light Plus 1.3Mp Digital Camera is certainly an awesome products for a incredibly good selling price, worth every cent. Completely happy.
Price : $1184.59 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : df610b33b4b2436c7020d9c142e0ff11
Rating :

In the case that you are searching to getting product at a good high quality including an acceptable spending plan. We strongly recommended AmScope SM-4TZ-144-MT 3.5X-90X Circuit Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 144 LED Light Plus 1.3Mp Digital Camera is one of top-notch and more prominent product product that you are searching for. Also if you examine it meticulously concerning item information, features and valuable consumer overviews, naturally you must certainly not reject to buy it one. You can check out the present price through the link here.

AmScope SM-4TZ-144-MT 3.5X-90X Circuit Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 144 LED Light Plus 1.3Mp Digital Camera Description
This is a trinocular 3.5X-90X zoom stereo boom microscope with a 1.3MP heavy-duty high resolution digital camera. It comes with a trinocular head 30 mm. SUPER widefield high-eye point eyepieces a 3D double-arm heavy-duty boom stand and a 144-LED ring light with dimmer. This microscope offers crystal clear images super widefield viewing very large magnifying zoom range (26 - 1) and a large working distance (8 in. 200 mm.) . Its high-eye point optic design ensures an easy and comfortable observation including eyeglass wearers. The 1.3MP digital camera captures microscope still images and streams live videos on your computer screen. The user-friendly editing processing and measuring software included is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS x and Linux captures and streams microscope images. The 3D double-arm boom stand allows you to turn the microscope head around three different axis (x y and z) allowing you to point the microscope head to ANY direction you wish. The intensity-adjustable LED ring light provides bright even and cool light illumination. This microscopy system is an ideal instrument for gemologists engravers collectors and anyone in semiconductor and/or electronic industry. It is also a right microscope for biological laboratory applications that require low heat release. Made by the same OEM supplier that provides optical instruments for Leica Zeiss Nikon and Olympus.FeaturesA 3.5X-90X Large Zoom Power Microscope on Boom with 144-LED Ring Light and 1.3MP Color Digital Camera!.1.3MP High Resolution High Quality USB2.0 Color Digital Camera.Captures Microscope Images and Streams Live Video on Your Computer Screen.Displays 1.3MP Clear Full-screen Images.Saves Still Images in BMP TIFF JPG PICT PTL and Other Formats. If you are uncertain on whether to buy AmScope SM-4TZ-144-MT 3.5X-90X Circuit Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 144 LED Light Plus 1.3Mp Digital Camera or not, the method to assist you choose this difficulty is to read through numerous customer reviews of this product. Review several reviews to discover whether it is a product that encounters your precise needs or exactly what this product could provide you some truly beneficial or are you could neglected some drawbacks of it. So all of that ensure you have a buying for a good reason and worth the money you spend.