Deals Black Friday On AmScope T380C-M 40X-2500X 3W LED Trinocular Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera
With the AmScope T380C-M 40X-2500X 3W LED Trinocular Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera you just look at the positive effects that will contend with you would like, is recommended it's a good product for value.
Price : $756.30 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant :
Product ID : 5afc472da2fbc6aec4325f9882fd5f8a
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The product attributes are exceptional and loadeded with high quality of AmScope T380C-M 40X-2500X 3W LED Trinocular Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera is the huge reason that makes it among the product you would really get possessed. Along with, it is as well friendly budget to your budgets also. You could view the full item description and look at amazing prices that have probably been improved directly from the store through click the hyperlink here. You can view the amazing deal and you can not reject it, want you have the good offer.
![AmScope T380C-M 40X-2500X 3W LED Trinocular Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera](
AmScope T380C-M 40X-2500X 3W LED Trinocular Compound Microscope 1.3Mp Digital Camera Description
This professional trinocular compound microscope with 5MP digital camera is designed for clinical examination and teaching demonstration in medical field veterinary offices laboratories and colleges. It comes with 30-degree inclined 360-degree swiveling siedentopf trinocular head backward nose piece 3D mechanical stage and intensity-variable 3W LED illumination system. It offers six magnification powers (40X 100X 250X 400X 1000X and 2500X) . Its trinocular port allows you to add photo/video capability.FeaturesSix level widefield magnification settings from 40X to 2500X.1.3MP digital camera captures still images streams live videos and is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux as well as user-friendly advanced software for Windows offers Stitching EDF video recording and measurement functions.Sturdy metal framework; 3D mechanical stage; Abbe condenser with diaphragm & iris.Backward nose piece allowing spacious space for comfortable observation.3W bright LED light equivalent to 30W halogen light.Camera SpecificationSensor - Aptina MT9P001 CMOS (color) .Sensor Size - 1/2.5 in.Resolution - 2592 x 1944.Reduction Lens - 0.5X.Pixel Size - 3.2 x 3.2 m.Dimension - 17 L x 13.5 W x 9 H in.
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