2014 Black Friday Cheap Price AmScope T390B-14M 40X-2000X Doctor Veterinary Clinic Compound Microscope 14Mp Digital Camera Don't Miss
AmScope T390B-14M 40X-2000X Doctor Veterinary Clinic Compound Microscope 14Mp Digital Camera available instantly, only just find most recent prices comparison coupled with shipping available for help you to get the best offer. Hot Deal AmScope T390B-14M 40X-2000X Doctor Veterinary Clinic Compound Microscope 14Mp Digital Camera
Price : $1530.86 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : 581d38acfce39649416b35dd8ef7ea35
Rating :
In the case that you are likely thinking about to acquiring product with a superb top quality including a sensible price. We extremely suggested AmScope T390B-14M 40X-2000X Doctor Veterinary Clinic Compound Microscope 14Mp Digital Camera is among leading quality and even more well-liked product product that you are trying to find. Also if you study it meticulously concerning product detail, functions and handy consumer testimonials, obviously you need to certainly not decline to get it one. You can look at the present price through the web link under here.
AmScope T390B-14M 40X-2000X Doctor Veterinary Clinic Compound Microscope 14Mp Digital Camera Description
This is a professional trinocular microscope with a 14MP USB3.0 digital camera. The microscope comes with a trinocular sliding head rack and pinion Abbe condenser with iris diaphragm and double layer mechanical stage. This microscope is designed for teaching demonstration clinical examination and research purpose. It offers eight levels of magnification: 40X 80X 100X 200X 400X 800X 1000X and 2000X. The trinocular port allows to add photographic or video capability. The digital camera captures 14MP high resolution microscopy images records and streams real-time live videos on computers compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS 10.6 & up and Linux. The user-friendly software offers advanced features including stitching fusion and measurement and allows you to edit process and measure microscope images in a manner similar to PhotoShop. You can make measurements for lengths angles areas and etc. This microscope is a perfect instrument for vets college students and those in clinic offices and biological labs.FeaturesPerfect for vets labs clinics universities and high schools14MP high resolution microscopy images records and streams real-time live videosOffers advanced features including stitching fusion and measurement45 degree inclined 360 degree swiveling trinocular headHigh quality professional optical glass elementsEight (8) levels of magnification: 40X 80X 100X 200X 400X 800X 1000X and 2000XFour (4) achromatic objectives DIN 4X 10X 40X (S) 100X (SOil) Two (2) pairs of eyepieces: WF10X and WF20XLarge size 3-D double layer mechanical stage with stain resistant finishLow position coaxial stage movement controlsCoaxial coarse f
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