2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Ape Case Small Camcorder/Digital Camera Case Instantly
Ape Case Small Camcorder/Digital Camera Case available for purchase presently, actually notice recent selling prices comparison along with shipping and delivery suitable for assist you in getting the best offer.
Price : $24.96 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Ape Case
Merchant : QVC
Product ID : 1ab78931240580ee89b0e2597759f6d5
Rating :

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Ape Case Small Camcorder/Digital Camera Case Description
When it's time to capture a ballet recital, baseball game, or family outing, you shouldn't have to worry about keeping your camera safe. This padded, water-resistant case not only protects your digital camera or small camcorder, but it also provides a zipper pouch for easy access, plus two external pockets for storing batteries, media cards, or even an MP3 player! From Norazza.
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