2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Aqua 5800 Orange 18MP Orange Digital Camera Review
Over-all this Aqua 5800 Orange 18MP Orange Digital Camera is very nicely made, is working wonderfully, I completely experience the pay money for will be worth extra money. Hot Deal Aqua 5800 Orange 18MP Orange Digital Camera
Price : $64.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : SVP
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : a2ab165d4ae75228dbe30d501750567a
Rating :
The product functions are superb and packed with premium quality of Aqua 5800 Orange 18MP Orange Digital Camera is the great purpose that gets it one of the product you will acquire bought. Plus, it is additionally friendly budget to your budgets too. You could discover the full item description and take a look at special deals that have been improved coming from the shop using click the web link below. You might possibly find the beneficial offer and you could not deny it, want you have the good deal.
Aqua 5800 Orange 18MP Orange Digital Camera Description
The SVP Aqua 5800 Waterproof Digital Camera features a dual color display with 4x digital zoom. The 1.8 inch front TFT color display is large enough to allow you to see yourself in the shot before taking the picture. 2.7 inch rear LCD display provides easy viewing of the photos. It is a 18 Megapixel camera with a 8.5mm lens. Easy to use and is suitable for any trip! It also does not stop you from capturing the perfect moments underwater! The camera supports up to 32GB of Micro SD card and is compatible with Win XP (SP3) , Vista (32/64) , Win 7 (32, 64) and Mac OS x 10.6.8 or above. Dual color screens; 2.7" LCD display in the back and a 1.8" TFT color display in the front18 Megapixels with 4x digital zoomWaterproof up to 3 meters (9 feet) Waterproof digital camera with videoDepth rating: 3 metersCompatible with Micro SD card ONLY ; supports up to 32GB external memory cardCompatible with Win XP / Vista / Win 7 and Mac OS x 10.6.8 or above
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Aqua 5800 Orange 18MP Orange Digital Camera
Merchant : Overstock.com |
$64.99 |