Black Friday Ads 2014 Ar15/M16/Ar-Style .308 5- Flash Suppressor - 5p 308 Flash Suppressor Review
Ar15/M16/Ar-Style .308 5- Flash Suppressor - 5p 308 Flash Suppressor is really nice for the things it does. Keep you time and money through decide to purchase at authentic shops online.
Price : $44.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Brownells
Merchant : Brownells
Product ID : c407f176b6e3686734e28a57e1c725fe
Rating :
If you are actually taking into consideration to ordering product at an excellent top quality and an affordable budget plan. We very advised Ar15/M16/Ar-Style .308 5- Flash Suppressor - 5p 308 Flash Suppressor is among premium and even more prominent product item that you are looking for. Even if you learn it meticulously concerning product detail, features and handy consumer comments, naturally you have to certainly not refuse to buy it one. You could examine the up to date price via the link under here.
![Ar15/M16/Ar-Style .308 5- Flash Suppressor - 5p 308 Flash Suppressor](
Ar15/M16/Ar-Style .308 5- Flash Suppressor - 5p 308 Flash Suppressor Description
High-efficiency flash suppressor features five prongs and large, tapered interior that work together to cool hot gasses before dispersing through the five longitudinal vents. Reduce the blinding, football-sized fireball of an unsuppressed rifle to a low-intensity golf-ball sized burst, so muzzle flash is less likely to give away the operators position, day or night, and it helps preserve night vision. Machined from hardened tool steel to resist blast erosion, with a tough, non-reflective black oxide finish. Wrench flats on either side aid in easy installation. Mfg: Brownells SPECS: Tool steel, hardened to Rc 40-45, black oxide finish. Crush washer or peel washer required, sold separately. AR-15/M16 2" (6.3cm) long, .860" (2.1cm) O.D. 3.2 oz. (91g) wt. Fits .223/5.56mm rifles with "-28 muzzle threads. AR-308 2
If you are undecided on whether to buy Ar15/M16/Ar-Style .308 5- Flash Suppressor - 5p 308 Flash Suppressor or not, the method to assist you decide this issue is to check out multiple customer reviews of this product. Check out numerous reviews to discover whether it is an item that fulfills your exact wants or just what this product can give you some absolutely helpful or are you could overlooked some downsides of it. So all of that ensure you have a purchasing with a good factor and worth the cash you spend.
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Ar15/M16/Ar-Style .308 5- Flash Suppressor - 5p 308 Flash Suppressor
Merchant : Brownells |
$44.99 | ![]() |