Black Friday Sale Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 3x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens
With Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 3x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens you only read the positive aspects that will fulfill you need, is recommended it is usually a good product for value. Hot Deal Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 3x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens
Price : $579.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Atn
Merchant : Brownells
Product ID : e5ab27bc94035473254afac711be2c09
Rating :
In the event that you are taking into consideration to purchasing item with an excellent quality and an affordable offer. We extremely advised Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 3x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens is among leading quality and more well-liked product product that you are searching for. Also if you study it very carefully concerning product specification, attributes and practical consumer assessments, certainly you should certainly not decline to get it one. You could look at the recent price from the link below.
Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 3x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens Description
High-performance Galilean afocal telescope that easily mounts to the objective lens of many night vision devices. The lens can be threaded or snapped onto the objective lens. Incorporates very fast optics (F/1.5) . Includes snap-on adapter, convenient flip-up objective lens cover, removable rear lens cap, and carrying case. Waterproof. Fits to ATN 6015, PVS14 monoculars and PVS-7 goggles Mfg: Atn FOV- 3x:13 degrees, 5x: 7 degrees
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