Black Friday Sales Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 5x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens Review
Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 5x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens readily available right now, really find most current selling prices comparison along with shipping accessible for help you to get the best bargain.
Price : $999.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Atn
Merchant : Brownells
Product ID : 66f7fb170f65c37d7fb91ac7fd9aabba
Rating :

The item features are exceptional and loadeded with high quality of Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 5x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens is the main factor that gets it among the item you may acquire bought. And also, it is additionally friendly-budget to your wallets as well. You can view the full product detail and have a look at excellent advertisings that have probably been up-dated through the store via click the link below. You might possibly buy the amazing offer and you can not refute it, want you have the excellent offer.

Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 5x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens Description
High-performance Galilean afocal telescope that easily mounts to the objective lens of many night vision devices. The lens can be threaded or snapped onto the objective lens. Incorporates very fast optics (F/1.5) . Includes snap-on adapter, convenient flip-up objective lens cover, removable rear lens cap, and carrying case. Waterproof. Fits to ATN 6015, PVS14 monoculars and PVS-7 goggles Mfg: Atn FOV- 3x:13 degrees, 5x: 7 degrees
Before you purchase Atn Mil-Spec Magnifier Lenses - Atn 5x Mil-Spec Magnifier Lens, you must take a look at the features of the product, building material performance, benefits and drawbacks of the product so efficiently. By reading through customer reviews of this product, you ought to look at a number of customer reviews. The genuine individuals encounter of these items will help you make the decision correctly, rationally without getting error and worth for the price.