Black Friday Deals BasAcc Compact Digital Camera Battery Charger Set for Canon NB-7L
BasAcc Compact Digital Camera Battery Charger Set for Canon NB-7L is extremely good for the things it really does. Save you money and time via decide to purchase at highly regarded online merchants.
Price : $5.23 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Ascend
Merchant :
Product ID : 226c6431403124c5938b8bad4123b752
Rating :
One of outstanding product is feature BasAcc Compact Digital Camera Battery Charger Set for Canon NB-7L verified via a bunch of reviews from actual customers confirmed that BasAcc Compact Digital Camera Battery Charger Set for Canon NB-7L is great and useful product and really worth the money that they paid for. If you have any type of problems regarding the features of the item or want to inspect the recent price of the item. Recently select the web link here, you will locate a good prices that certain.
![BasAcc Compact Digital Camera Battery Charger Set for Canon NB-7L](
BasAcc Compact Digital Camera Battery Charger Set for Canon NB-7L Description
Note: for a success and safe charge to your battery, please make sure to line up the correct polarity (positive / negative) before inserting the battery onto the chargerComplete charging solution for digital video batteriesHigh quality battery charger is a handy companion for digital shootingCharger is designed with a foldable A/C plug that charges your camera / camcorder battery anywhere in the worldQuick charge with automatic constant current control prevents battery from overcharging, short circuit, and electronic shockSmart LED indicator shows charging statusSpecifications:A/C power supply input voltage: AC100V240VOutput voltage: DC 8.4v 600mADimension: 3.25 x 1.5 x 1.75 inchThis battery charger kit includesBattery charger with foldable AC plugDC Cigarette lighter adapter (car charger) for any vehicleAccessory only, battery not includedCharger compatible with Canon nb-7l batteryCompatible with Canon: powershot g-series g10 / g11
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