Black Friday Deals BasAcc Silver Mini Retractable Tripod w/ Ball Head & Foldable Legs Don't Miss
BasAcc Silver Mini Retractable Tripod w/ Ball Head & Foldable Legs available currently, really view most recent selling prices comparison along with shipping and delivery suitable for aid you in getting a huge selection.
Price : $4.31 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Ascend
Merchant :
Product ID : 3f508649c05803dddc069cac1451cb37
Rating :

Among amazing product is include BasAcc Silver Mini Retractable Tripod w/ Ball Head & Foldable Legs approved from a bunch of opinions through realistic buyers verified that BasAcc Silver Mini Retractable Tripod w/ Ball Head & Foldable Legs is extremely good and useful item and benefit the cash that they spent. If you have any kind of problems regarding the functions of the item or wish to inspect the existing price of this item. Right now select the web link here, you shall discover a budget friendly offers that indisputable.

BasAcc Silver Mini Retractable Tripod w/ Ball Head & Foldable Legs Description
This is a silver mini retractable tripod with ball head and foldable legs. Take a steady group photo at the perfect angle with this tripod. Adjustable ball swivel headFor use with small point-and-shoot camerasStandard 1/4-inch screwUltra-lightweight and compactColor: SilverMaximum load: 1.8 poundsHeight: 5.75-inch/ 7-inch when fully extendedWeight: 0.2 poundsMaterial: Aluminum Alloy
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