Black Friday 2014 Battery for Casio Exilm Digital Camera NP20 NP-20 (Pack of 2) Right Now
Can be a safe compared gadget specifications and cost. This Battery for Casio Exilm Digital Camera NP20 NP-20 (Pack of 2) is the right substitute for pay for. Hot Deal Battery for Casio Exilm Digital Camera NP20 NP-20 (Pack of 2)
Price : $7.49 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Eforcity
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Product ID : a5c93e1f4100f2e864f79f845068c4d0
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In case that you are certainly taking into consideration to shopping product at an amazing top quality along with an acceptable deal. We extremely suggested Battery for Casio Exilm Digital Camera NP20 NP-20 (Pack of 2) is just one of high quality and even more prominent item item that you are searching for. Also if you learn it thoroughly concerning product specification, features and practical consumer comments, naturally you must certainly not reject to get it one. You can look at the existing price from the web link below.
Battery for Casio Exilm Digital Camera NP20 NP-20 (Pack of 2) Description
Replacement batteries for the Casio NP-20Never run out of battery power when you're just about to capture the perfect momentTime to get extra power for your digital video camera/camcorderHigh capacity, rechargeable DC 3.7V Li-Ion battery with premium Japanese cellLatest Lithium Ion battery technology gives the best performance possible compared to other battery technologies such as Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) Replacement for the original NP-20 (NP-20DBA) battery packCompatible with Casio: Exilim EX-M1, Exilim EX-M2, Exilim EX-M20U, Exilim EX-Z77, Exilim Card EX-S1, Exilim Card EX-S100, Exilim Card EX-S2, Exilim Card EX-S20U, Exilim Card EX-S2PW, Exilim Card EX-S3, Exilim Card EX-S500, Exilim Card EX-S500EO, Exilim Card EX-S500GY, Exilim Card EX-S500WE, Exilim Card EX-S600, Exilim Card EX-S600D, Exilim Card EX-S770, Exilim Card EX-S880, Exilim Zoom EX-Z3, Exilim Zoom EX-Z4U, Exilim Zoom EX-Z60, Exilim Zoom EX-Z60SR, Exilim Zoom EX-Z70, Exilim Zoom EX-Z75 Warning: California residents only, please note per Proposition 65 that this product may contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
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Battery for Casio Exilm Digital Camera NP20 NP-20 (Pack of 2)
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$7.49 |