Black Friday Sales Bell and Howell TTL Off Camera Flash Cord for Olympus/ Panasonic Right Now
Generally the Bell and Howell TTL Off Camera Flash Cord for Olympus/ Panasonic is really well manufactured, will work magnificently, I positively notice the purchase might be worth the budget. Hot Offer Bell and Howell TTL Off Camera Flash Cord for Olympus/ Panasonic
Price : $29.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Bell Howell
Merchant :
Product ID : 60cc6f6a5727fedba098f57119120a73
Rating :
The product attributes are outstanding and filled with premium quality of Bell and Howell TTL Off Camera Flash Cord for Olympus/ Panasonic is the significant purpose that makes it one of the item you would grow bought. And also, it is also friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can see the complete product specification and visit excellent promotions that have probably been upgraded from the site using click the link below. You could see the beneficial deal and you could not refuse it, wish you get the great offer.
Bell and Howell TTL Off Camera Flash Cord for Olympus/ Panasonic Description
This off camera flash cord maintains all your on-camera flash functions (including ETTL-II) for one Olympus/Panasonic compatible shoe mount flash for distances up to 5.25 feet. Liberate your flash with this cord from Bell and Howell. Heavy duty coiled cableExtends up to 5.25 feet Supports full TTL controlCord measures approximately 9 inches longDedicated for Olympus and Panasonic digital SLR cameras
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