2014 Black Friday Bell & Howell Dc5R Red Kids Digital Camera 5 Megapixels Fun
Bell & Howell Dc5R Red Kids Digital Camera 5 Megapixels Fun is very awesome for exactly what it actually does. Protect you money and time with actually buy at highly regarded merchants online.
Price : $48.75 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Bell & Howell
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : aaec1fd973e8b1c145da6c775ac549ee
Rating :
The item functions are exceptional and loadeded with good quality of Bell & Howell Dc5R Red Kids Digital Camera 5 Megapixels Fun is the major reason that gets it among the product you would grow had. Along with, it is as well friendly budget to your budgets too. You can check out the complete item detail and look into wonderful promos that have really been up-dated directly from the shop via click the web link here. You may possibly select the interesting deal and you can not refuse it, wish you get the exceptional price.
![Bell & Howell Dc5R Red Kids Digital Camera 5 Megapixels Fun](http://i61.tinypic.com/33lzi81.png)
Bell & Howell Dc5R Red Kids Digital Camera 5 Megapixels Fun Description
The cool and compact BELL+HOWELL DC5 Fun Flix digital camera is an excellent performer that captures still pictures at 5.0 megapixels resolution and records videos while on the go.With 4x digital zoom and a 1.8 in. color LCD screen the Fun-Flix is a perfect companion for those on the move.With a built-in USB port easily connect to your computer for instant sharing of all of your memories over the internet.The SDHC card slot provides up to 16GB of memory.Includes - A/V cable USB cable batteries case and image editing software.Color - Red.
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