Black Friday Deals Bell + Howell DV5HDZ 16MP 1080p HD Touchscreen Camcorder Right Now
Bell + Howell DV5HDZ 16MP 1080p HD Touchscreen Camcorder for sale currently, really take a look at current prices comparison along with delivery readily available for get you the great offer. Hot Offer Bell + Howell DV5HDZ 16MP 1080p HD Touchscreen Camcorder
Price : $144.40 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Bell and Howell
Merchant :
Product ID : f94479eca8179d970392430d00b1f8c9
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In case you are usually considering to paying for product with a superb high quality along with a sensible offer. We strongly suggested this Bell + Howell DV5HDZ 16MP 1080p HD Touchscreen Camcorder is one of top-notch and even more prominent product item that you are seeking. Also if you study it thoroughly about item description, attributes and practical consumer testimonials, obviously you have to certainly not refuse to buy it one. You could inspect the latest price through the hyperlink below.
Bell + Howell DV5HDZ 16MP 1080p HD Touchscreen Camcorder Description
With this Bell + Howell 16MP camcorder you can capture some of the best memories. With tons of high-tech features, such as touch screen, 1080p Full HD Video output, 5X Optical Zoom and a night shooting mode with a built-in LED video light. YouTube Direct Upload.Automatic face detectionAutomatic motion detectionSlow motion playbackTouch auto-exposureNight modeSelf-timerBuilt-in LED video lightDisplay: 3-inch touchscreen LCDResolution: 16MP (still image) Zoom: 5x optical, 20x digitalFrames per second: 30fps (1080p) / 60fps (WVGA) Memory: 2 x SD/SDHC Memory Card (expandable to 32GB) Interface: HDMI, USB, compositeModel: DV5HDZDimensions: 4 inches long x 1.1 inches thick x 2.25 inches wide
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