Black Friday 2014 Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit Right Now

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Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit

Hot Offer Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit
Price : $84.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Bell & Howell
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Product ID : 59c0e9912e6a6aeeec431ee2597e782a
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In case that you are usually considering to shopping for product at a superb high quality together with an acceptable budget plan. We very advised Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit is just one of premium and additional preferred item item that you are looking for. Also if you study it meticulously concerning item specification, functions and practical consumer evaluations, of program you should not reject to acquire it one. You can check the existing price through the web link below.

Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit

Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit Description

Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit Image Sensor: CMOS LCD: 2.4" Self-timer: Yes Focus Type: Auto Auto Focus: Yes Flash Mode: Built-in Viewfinder: EVF Storage Media: Micro SD Card

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Bell & Howell Splash WP10 Shock & Waterproof Digital Camera (Blue) with 16GB Card/Reader + Case + Batteries/Charger + Tripod + Accessory Kit
Merchant :
price as of : 2014-11-07