Black Friday Deals Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel BVCFLX09102MV Don't Miss
If you should compared product functionalities and value. Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel BVCFLX09102MV is a good substitute for spend money on. Hot Offer Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel BVCFLX09102MV
Price : $46.33 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Bi-Silque
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 69c955383eaa8a63574dae2bec91d36c
Rating :
Along with excellent product is feature Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel BVCFLX09102MV accredited from a lot of comments through genuine users verified that Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel BVCFLX09102MV is very excellent and functional product and really worth the cash that they paid. If you have any type of problems concerning the attributes of the item or want to check the up to date price of this product. Simply click the link below, you shall locate a affordable deals that indisputable.
Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel BVCFLX09102MV Description
* Free Shipping * Telescoping metal legs adapt to floor or tabletop use while adjustable support brackets display materials at exactly the height you need. No-pinch pad retainer for fast and easy attachment hooks slide to fit any type of easel pad. Anti-skid feet for security. Folds down for easy transport or storage. Adjusts from 35" to 64" high and supports up to 25 lbs. Easel Type: Folding Display Minimum Easel Height: 35" Maximum Easel Height: 64".BVCFLX09102MV. FLX09102MV. Bi-silque Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel. Easels Easel Type: Folding Display Minimum Easel Height: 35" Maximum Easel Height: 64" Materials: Metal Colors: Silver Pre-consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0% Post-consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0% Total Recycled Content Percent: 0% Special Features: Lightweight
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Bi-silque Telescoping Tripod Display Easel BVCFLX09102MV
Merchant : Walmart |
$46.33 |