Black Friday 2014 Deals Bluetooth Selfie Remote Control Shutter & Extendable Handheld Monopod with Smartphone Holder Right Now

Bluetooth Selfie Remote Control Shutter & Extendable Handheld Monopod with Smartphone Holder is definitely an excellent stuff for a awesome deal, worth the cost. Totally happy.

Bluetooth Selfie Remote Control Shutter & Extendable Handheld Monopod with Smartphone Holder

Hot Offer Bluetooth Selfie Remote Control Shutter & Extendable Handheld Monopod with Smartphone Holder
Price : $15.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand :
Merchant : Nomorerack
Product ID : f9898f768fbfdce0500d34e09f07b5ed
Rating :

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Bluetooth Selfie Remote Control Shutter & Extendable Handheld Monopod with Smartphone Holder

Bluetooth Selfie Remote Control Shutter & Extendable Handheld Monopod with Smartphone Holder Description

Since the advent of the selfie, it seems that the art and science of actual portrait photography has been waning. However, we now have the ability to take studio quality selfies without the blurring from a wobbly selfie arm. This monopod allows you to get a steady grip on your smartphone or GoPro camera. The shutter button allows you to snap a photo wirelessly, via the power of Bluetooth connectivity. The end result? A perfectly taken portrait photo. So dont wait--snap up this awesome deal today! Want to know more? 1-year manufacturers warranty Made with aluminum alloy and plastic material with a non-slip soft foam handle Proudly made in the USA 100% compatible with original manufacturer equipment Monopod extend up to 42.5" Easy to operate monopod--just extend the rod to its desired length and angle and set the timer Shutter is compatible with Bluetooth-enabled devices at distances up to 30 Download a free app to pair your smartphone with the shutter Transmit frequency: 2.4GHz-2.48GHz Includes a CR2032 battery Shutter measures 2" x 1.3" x 0.4" Compatible with all iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and HTC smartphone models Compatible with Go Pro HD Hero, Go Pro Hero 2, Go Pro Hero 3, Go Pro Hero 3+ Compatible with any digital cameras and smartphones with width 2" to 3.3" Available in your choice of Black Shutter & Black Monopod, Green Shutter & Black Monopod, Blue Shutter & Black Monopod, Pink Monopod & Black Shutter, White Shutter & Black Monopod, Red Shutter & Black Monopod, Black Monopod & Shutter, Blue Monopod & Black Shutter, or Yellow Shutter & Black Monopod Whats in the box? Handheld monopod Gopro tripod / monopod mounting adapter Smartphone tripod mount adapter Bluetooth selfie shutter Manual for the shutter Battery

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Bluetooth Selfie Remote Control Shutter & Extendable Handheld Monopod with Smartphone Holder
Merchant : Nomorerack
price as of : 2014-11-07