Black Friday Sales Brownells Ar-15/M16 Flash Suppressor Die Right Now
Brownells Ar-15/M16 Flash Suppressor Die accessible for sale presently, just see current selling prices comparison coupled with shipping accessible for get you the best offer. Hot Deal Brownells Ar-15/M16 Flash Suppressor Die
Price : $29.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Brownells
Merchant : Brownells
Product ID : f682e303dfc0c4f1954f8a3473ecae28
Rating :
If you are certainly looking to buying product with a superb quality and a reasonable spending plan. We highly recommended Brownells Ar-15/M16 Flash Suppressor Die is one of high quality and additional popular product item that you are trying to find. Even if you study it carefully regarding product description, functions and helpful consumer overviews, certainly you need to not refuse to get it one. You could take a look at the existing price from the link here.
Brownells Ar-15/M16 Flash Suppressor Die Description
A must when threading custom barrels or chasing threads on standard barrels. Use to make custom supressors or clean up existing factory threads. Custom-made to factory specs. Mfg: Brownells SPECS: High-speed steel. AR-15/M16 - .500"-28 thread, 1" dia. body. AR-10 - 5/8"-24 thread.
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Brownells Ar-15/M16 Flash Suppressor Die
Merchant : Brownells |
$29.99 |