Black Friday 2014 Bushnell 111026 Binoculars with Digital Camera Don't Miss
Bushnell 111026 Binoculars with Digital Camera is truly a beneficial gadgets at the beneficial total price, worth the cost. Totally cheerful.
Price : $64.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Bushnell
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Product ID : 681e46312510540a88b8dac1ccb0ac6b
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The product functions are outstanding and loadeded with excellent of Bushnell 111026 Binoculars with Digital Camera is the significant factor that makes it among the item you will certainly really get had. Plus, it is likewise friendly budget to your pockets as well. You could find the complete product detail and look at exclusive advertisings that have been updated from the site via click the link here. You may possibly locate the very cool offer and you could not refuse it, wish you get the good offer.

Bushnell 111026 Binoculars with Digital Camera Description
"Bushnell ImageView 10x25mm SD Slot Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Bushnell 111026 10x25 mm Image View binoculars with built-in megapixel digital camera has an incorporated digital camera which allows you to record as still images exactly what you observe. Using streamlined roof prisms, the Image View binoculars is compact enough to carry in a pocket, making it ideal for sports fans, outdoor enthusiasts, adventure travelers or anyone with a desire to view and record whatever experiences come their way. 111026 Features: Image View Roof Prism Binoculars, Combines Powerful Performance Of Binoculars w/ A Compact Digital Camera, 10x Binoculars & 8x Camera Magnification, 640 x 480 VGA Resolution Still Pictures, Monochrome Numeric LCD Display, 8MB Of Internal Memory, 25mm Objective Lens Diameter, 290' Field-of-View (@ 1000 Yds) , 12' Minimum Focus Distance, 2.5mm Exit Pupil Diameter, 10mm Eye Relief, 6.25 Relative Brightness, 15.8 Twilight Factor, 5-Way Keypad To Command Camera Functions, Center Focus Type, CMOS Image Sensor, JPEG Image File Formats, SD Card Slot, USB Port & Cable, Tripod Socket, Padded Case w/ Belt Loop Included, Neoprene Strap Included, Software CD-ROM Included"
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