Black Friday 2014 Canon 10-Dgt 2-Clr Commercial Printing Calculator CNMCP1013DII Right Now
Canon 10-Dgt 2-Clr Commercial Printing Calculator CNMCP1013DII is truly good quality for just what it can do. Keep you time and money through purchase at reliable online sites. Hot Deal Canon 10-Dgt 2-Clr Commercial Printing Calculator CNMCP1013DII
Price : $188.18 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 3899a9a25aede700682453b0de85973e
Rating :
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Canon 10-Dgt 2-Clr Commercial Printing Calculator CNMCP1013DII Description
* Free Shipping * 10-digit printing calculator offers a large fluorescent display, two-color ribbon printing, and averaging and pairing calculation. Print 4.8 lines per second with positive numbers in black and negative numbers in red. Use 2-1/4" wide plain paper roll. Functions include decimal positions (add mode, +1, +2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, floating) , delta percentage calculation, up/off/down rounding, item count, markup/markdown, independent memory with accumulation capability, constant multiplication and division. Calculator runs on AC power and weighs 4.1 lb. CNMCP1013DII. CP1013DII. Canon Canon 10-Dgt 2-Clr Commercial Printing Calculator. Calculators
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Canon 10-Dgt 2-Clr Commercial Printing Calculator CNMCP1013DII
Merchant : Walmart |
$188.18 |