Black Friday 2014 Canon 3039B001 7.4 V Lithium Ion Digital Camera Battery; 1080 mAh Don't Miss
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Price : $52.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : NA
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Product ID : c9223560e6647ddf938eec06718023cb
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Canon 3039B001 7.4 V Lithium Ion Digital Camera Battery; 1080 mAh Description
Compatibility: Canon digital cameras: Rebel XSi EOS 450D, EOS Rebel T1i EF-S 18-55mm IS kit, EOS Rebel XS 18-55IS kit, EOS Rebel XS EF-S 18-55IS refurbished, EOS Rebel XSi, EF-S 18-55IS kit, EOS Rebel XSi EF-S 18-55IS refurbished.
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Canon 3039B001 7.4 V Lithium Ion Digital Camera Battery; 1080 mAh
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$52.99 |