Black Friday Sale CANON 5339B002AA iPF6400, 24" 12-Color LUCIA EX Ink Review
Finally this CANON 5339B002AA iPF6400, 24" 12-Color LUCIA EX Ink is very effectively designed, functions perfectly, I absolutely notice the purchasing is really worth the budget. Hot Deal CANON 5339B002AA iPF6400, 24" 12-Color LUCIA EX Ink
Price : $3540.15 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
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Product ID : 61cba1a17eb5543a256678312a213cb2
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CANON 5339B002AA iPF6400, 24" 12-Color LUCIA EX Ink Description
CANON 5339B002AA iPF6400, 24" 12-Color LUCIA EX Ink
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CANON 5339B002AA iPF6400, 24" 12-Color LUCIA EX Ink
Merchant : |
$3540.15 |