Black Friday 2014 Canon 8230B014 -2-KIT PowerShot N Digital Camera with 4GB Micro SD Card Don't Miss
Canon 8230B014 -2-KIT PowerShot N Digital Camera with 4GB Micro SD Card is certainly a really good gadgets at the great offer, worth every cent. Extremely joyful.
Price : $526.70 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : CANON
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Product ID : 6c098ab7ed01ee9c8cde7d6450f2941f
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Canon 8230B014 -2-KIT PowerShot N Digital Camera with 4GB Micro SD Card Description
The new PowerShot N opens up a new dimension of photographic expression helping you express your personal style and flair with powerful innovative Canon technologies. The PowerShot N features an entirely new design sporting a functional sleek shape. Shutter and zoom rings enable quick intuitive operation and a new 2.8-inch tilt-type capacitive touch screen offers amazing photographic flexibility; shoot diagonally horizontally from low angles or high for versatile expression. The camera features a new Creative Shot mode for artistic image capture automatically creating an additional five unique images every time you take a shot. The 12.1 Megapixel High-Sensitivity CMOS sensor and DIGIC 5 Image Processor create the Canon HS SYSTEM for stunning image quality and low-light performance ensuring every photo is a powerful statement. An 8x Optical Zoom with 28mm Wide-Angle lens captures brilliant images with grandeur from up close or far away. Record 1080p Full HD video when you want to express yourself with moving images and know that the enhanced built-in Wi-Fi of the PowerShot N makes sharing easier than ever. A convenient Mobile Device Connect Button also brings powerful new sharing capabilities with smartphone connectivity. Express your creative style with the PowerShot N and share with the world all with a simple touch.FeaturesColor - BlackBuilt in Wi-Fi for wireless transfer of images to social networking sitesMobile Device Connect Button allows for a sharing connection to Android or iOS devicesNew Creative Shot mode uses composition color and lighting from original image to create five unique images with artistic flairNewly designed 2.8-inch capacitive tilt touch panel LCD; lens shutter; and zoom ring12.1 MP CMOS sensor DIGIC 5 Processor 8x Optical Image Stabilized zoom 28mm Wide-Angl
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