2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Canon 9169B001-3-KIT PowerShot N100 Digital Camera (9169B001) with SD Card (MB-MSAGBA/AM) Case and Stand (LP36322-0WW) Don't Miss
Total the Canon 9169B001-3-KIT PowerShot N100 Digital Camera (9169B001) with SD Card (MB-MSAGBA/AM) Case and Stand (LP36322-0WW) is very nicely manufactured, goes to work amazingly, I probably think the order will probably be worth any extra budget. Hot Offer Canon 9169B001-3-KIT PowerShot N100 Digital Camera (9169B001) with SD Card (MB-MSAGBA/AM) Case and Stand (LP36322-0WW)
Price : $629.49 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : CANON
Merchant : UnbeatableSale.com
Product ID : 08a2978c60bc9d47ddef1169aa222e24
Rating :
The item attributes are excellent and loadeded with good quality of Canon 9169B001-3-KIT PowerShot N100 Digital Camera (9169B001) with SD Card (MB-MSAGBA/AM) Case and Stand (LP36322-0WW) is the huge factor that gets it among the product you would really get had. As well as, it is additionally friendly budget to your wallets as well. You can find the full item detail and visit awesome promos that have really been upgraded through the site using click the web link here. You might possibly discover the very cool deal and you can not refuse it, want you get the very good price.
Canon 9169B001-3-KIT PowerShot N100 Digital Camera (9169B001) with SD Card (MB-MSAGBA/AM) Case and Stand (LP36322-0WW) Description
The Canon 9169B001-3-KIT includes a PowerShot N100 12.1MP White Digital Camera 16GB microSD Card with Adapter and Tahoe 30 Compact Camera Pouch. The N100 brings your stories to life with Dual Capture using a rear-facing wide-angle Story Camera. While the main camera shoots the subject the secondary camera is shooting you the photographer. Easily capture everything from a parents pride to priceless double takes. Built-in Wi-Fi lets you transfer images and video directly to select social networking sites select mobile devices and your computer. You can shoot from a distance controlling the camera with your smartphone or tablet and simply touch to a compatible Android device using built-in NFC for easy wireless connectivity. The Tahoe 30 Compact Camera Pouch is a lightweight protective and colorful way to carry compact digital devices. Plus the 16GB microSD Memory Card with Adapter is the perfect solution for casual mobile device users.
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