Deals Black Friday On Canon 9344B001-4-KIT PowerShot ELPH 340 Digital Camera with SD Card (DA-SD-1016G-C) Case (LP3622-0WW) and Mini Tripod Right Now
Canon 9344B001-4-KIT PowerShot ELPH 340 Digital Camera with SD Card (DA-SD-1016G-C) Case (LP3622-0WW) and Mini Tripod is very high-quality at what it can do. Keep you time and money with buy at trusted online sites.
Price : $380.90 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : CANON
Merchant :
Product ID : 531ee9b90f7aee4848b68c7324aef787
Rating :
The product attributes are outstanding and filled with high quality of Canon 9344B001-4-KIT PowerShot ELPH 340 Digital Camera with SD Card (DA-SD-1016G-C) Case (LP3622-0WW) and Mini Tripod is the key reason that takes it one of the item you will certainly really get bought. Along with, it is also friendly budget to your wallets as well. You can check the complete item summary and look at exclusive promotions that have actually been upgraded from the store via click the link here. You could select the very cool deal and you can not deny it, wish you have the excellent offer.
![Canon 9344B001-4-KIT PowerShot ELPH 340 Digital Camera with SD Card (DA-SD-1016G-C) Case (LP3622-0WW) and Mini Tripod](
Canon 9344B001-4-KIT PowerShot ELPH 340 Digital Camera with SD Card (DA-SD-1016G-C) Case (LP3622-0WW) and Mini Tripod Description
Features: Built-In Wi-Fi and Near Field Communication Mobile Device Connect Button Creative Shot Hybrid Auto Intelligent IS Smart Auto Shooting Modes. Includes: 16 GB SDHC Card Tahoe 30 Compact Camera Pouch Red Mini Tripod Li-Ion Battery Pack Battery Charger Wrist Strap Warranty. Megapixels: 16. Optical Zoom: 12X. Digital Zoom: 4X. LCD Size: 3. Lens Focal Length: 25 to 300mm. Focus Range: 0.4 to Infinity. Flash Range: 13 ft. Film: No. Ambient Temp.: 32 Degrees to 104 Degrees F. Resolution: 4608 x 2592. Media Type: SD/SDHC/SDHX Memory Card.
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