Black Friday Deals 2014 Canon A2400 16MP Digital Camera - Silver Instantly
If you have to compared product functions and price. This Canon A2400 16MP Digital Camera - Silver is a wonderful decision to actually buy. Hot Deal Canon A2400 16MP Digital Camera - Silver
Price : $79.81 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : 4365d5183d7c12b2b1dd978264c02d8d
Rating :
In the case that you are likely thinking about to getting item with an excellent quality along with an acceptable budget plan. We extremely advised this Canon A2400 16MP Digital Camera - Silver is among top-notch and even more popular item item that you are trying to find. Also if you research it very carefully concerning item information, features and useful consumer comments, obviously you must not reject to buy it one. You could examine the current price through the web link under here.
Canon A2400 16MP Digital Camera - Silver Description
Gorgeous HD Video From Your CameraYou can shoot high definition video anytime, anywhere right from the pocket-sized A3400 IS digital camera. With a simple push of the dedicated movie button, you'll be able to instantly record every moment in motion. 720p HD video is smooth, vivid, and beautifully lifelike, making it an ideal way to capture special memories. In addition to being able to shoot 720p HD video at 25 frames per second, the PowerShot A3400 IS can also shoot 640 x 480 VGA video at 30* frames per second. High Resolution, Highly Advanced PerformanceWith the camera's 16.0 Megapixels of resolution, your images are rich and clear, with textures and tiny details faithfully reproduced even at the long end of the 5x Optical Zoom. This high level of resolution is ideal for creating the largest prints, and allows you the flexibility to blow up and crop any section of an image to express your creativity. The DIGIC 4 Image Processor powers the camera's advanced systems and features, ensuring fast, reliable performance with low battery consumption. Zoom in on Wider, Steadier ShotsThe 5x Optical Zoom (35mm equivalent: 28-140mm) in PowerShot A3400 IS digital camera delivers outstanding optical performance and versatility. It gives you a great range of potential images from a single location, which is perfect for sporting events and other occasions when your shooting stance is fixed, or times when moving in too close might disrupt the action you're trying to capture. The lens's 28mm wide-angle perspective puts more image in every frame for dynamic, exciting shots.A Steady Image Is a Beautiful ImageThe latest advance in Canon Optical Image Stabilization technology, Intelligent IS analyzes camera movement and applies the best shake correction method for the shooting situation. For stills, the system automatically selects among Normal, Panning, Macro (Hybrid) and Tripod IS modes. When shooting video, the system automatically selects among Dynamic, Powered, Macro and Tripod IS m
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