Black Friday 2014 Ads Canon Cameras 9167B001 Ps G1 X Mark Ii 12.8mp Black
Canon Cameras 9167B001 Ps G1 X Mark Ii 12.8mp Black offered for sale now, take a moment to have a look at present prices comparison as well as shipping readily available for help you to get the best bargain.
Price : $1330.27 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : CANON
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Product ID : 08ba06a16dd58488e4ab010264ab218b
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![Canon Cameras 9167B001 Ps G1 X Mark Ii 12.8mp Black](
Canon Cameras 9167B001 Ps G1 X Mark Ii 12.8mp Black Description
Canon--PowerShot G1 X Mark II - Black. 12.8MP HS 1.5 CMOS Sensor 5x Wide Zoom (24-120mm) with Optical IS 3.0 Tilt-Up Touch LCD DiG! C 6 1080p Full HD Video Built In WiFi & NFC
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