Black Friday Ads 2014 CANON CNMMF7480 Canon Mf7480 Laser - F-C-P-C Sc-N-D-Pcl-Unv
CANON CNMMF7480 Canon Mf7480 Laser - F-C-P-C Sc-N-D-Pcl-Unv is very excellent on exactly what it definitely does. Enable you to save time and money with decide to purchase at responsible online stores.
Price : $5393.25 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : CANON
Merchant :
Product ID : 4f6c330cc85b608126767d0f71806ac6
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The item features are excellent and loadeded with excellent of CANON CNMMF7480 Canon Mf7480 Laser - F-C-P-C Sc-N-D-Pcl-Unv is the significant purpose that makes it one of the product you may really get had. Increased, it is as well friendly budget to your budgets also. You could view the full item explanation and have a look at extra advertisings that have been up-dated directly from the shop using click the web link here. You might view the amazing offer and you can not refuse it, want you get the excellent price.

CANON CNMMF7480 Canon Mf7480 Laser - F-C-P-C Sc-N-D-Pcl-Unv Description
Canon MF7480 Laser Fax Copier Printer Color Scanner w/Network and Duplex. 33.6 Kbps / 3 spp. 200 touch / 300 coded dials. Up to 25 cpm / ppm. Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi. 80 and (2) 250 sheet trays. 50 sheet ADF. 11 x 17 platen/paper size. 50000 page duty cycle. Auto duplex fax/copy/print/scan. Universal send; 500 addresses. USB Ethernet PCL 5e/6. 256 Mb (Windows / Mac) . Dimensions: 25 x 26 x 30. Uses: CNM105 toner.
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