Black Friday Deals Canon - Ef 28mm F/2.8 Is Usm Wide-angle Lens - Black Instantly
Canon - Ef 28mm F/2.8 Is Usm Wide-angle Lens - Black is very high quality at exactly what it does. Protect you money and time through actually buy at trustworthy stores online.
Price : $549.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : 53ca6b458f09ac8da2636b792e88c4d7
Rating :
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Canon - Ef 28mm F/2.8 Is Usm Wide-angle Lens - Black Description
Compatible with most Canon EOS DSLR cameras; Optical Image Stabilizer technology; 58mm filter size; 9" minimum focus distance
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