Black Friday Deals Canon ELPH 340 HS 9350B001 Digital Camera Instantly
Canon ELPH 340 HS 9350B001 Digital Camera is extremely a beneficial items with a incredibly good selling price, worth every penny. Really joyful. Hot Offer Canon ELPH 340 HS 9350B001 Digital Camera
Price : $179.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
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Product ID : b48f35efb7d390be4544a1928bb09cca
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In case that you are usually considering to shopping item at a beneficial quality together with an acceptable offer. We very suggested Canon ELPH 340 HS 9350B001 Digital Camera is among top-notch and additional prominent item product that you are seeking. Even if you learn it very carefully regarding item information, functions and practical consumer overviews, obviously you have to not refuse to purchase it one. You could look at the latest price from the link under here.
Canon ELPH 340 HS 9350B001 Digital Camera Description
Canon PowerShot ELPH 340 HS 9350B001 Purple 16 MP 12X Optical Zoom 25mm Wide Angle Digital Camera HDTV Output Image Sensor: 1/2.3" CMOS Aperture: f/3.6 (W) , f/7.0 (T) Image Stabilization: Optical Image Stabilizer LCD: 3.0" 461K Max. Recording Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Battery Life: Approx. 190 shots Approx. 280 shots in ECO Mode Series: PowerShot ELPH Series Dimensions (WxHxD) : 3.93" x 2.27" x 0.88"
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