Black Friday Sales 2014 Canon EOS 6D Digital SLR Camera Body with EF 24-105mm L IS USM Lens with 64GB Card + Battery & Charger + Battery Grip + 3 UV/ND8/CPL Filters + Remote Instantly
Can be a safe in comparison gadget characteristics and value. The Canon EOS 6D Digital SLR Camera Body with EF 24-105mm L IS USM Lens with 64GB Card + Battery & Charger + Battery Grip + 3 UV/ND8/CPL Filters + Remote is a wonderful option to decide to buy. Hot Offer Canon EOS 6D Digital SLR Camera Body with EF 24-105mm L IS USM Lens with 64GB Card + Battery & Charger + Battery Grip + 3 UV/ND8/CPL Filters + Remote
Price : $2499.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
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Product ID : d9cb45486d60555732d53d3d394858f3
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The product attributes are outstanding and loadeded with high quality of Canon EOS 6D Digital SLR Camera Body with EF 24-105mm L IS USM Lens with 64GB Card + Battery & Charger + Battery Grip + 3 UV/ND8/CPL Filters + Remote is the main factor that allows it among the product you will really get owned. Plus, it is as well friendly-budget to your pockets too. You can view the full product description and take a look at wonderful deals that have really been upgraded coming from the shop via click the link below. You might look for the interesting offer and you could not refuse it, desire you get the very good price.
Canon EOS 6D Digital SLR Camera Body with EF 24-105mm L IS USM Lens with 64GB Card + Battery & Charger + Battery Grip + 3 UV/ND8/CPL Filters + Remote Description
Canon EOS 6D Digital SLR Camera Body with EF 24-105mm L IS USM Lens with 64GB Card + Battery & Charger + Battery Grip + 3 UV/ND8/CPL Filters + Remote Image Sensor: CMOS LCD: 3.0" Lens Mount: Canon EF Mount Series: EOS Package Type: Body with Lens Kit Viewfinder Type: Electronic Focus Type: Auto/Manual Flash Mode: Built-in Flash
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